Alone the day

That day window panes opened to a meadow,
I realized I am blind; out of my world!
But the silence sung the beauty of loneliness,
The power of this second hold the breath of my life,
Graveyard beyond my vista recalled me!
I limited the thoughts that wandered;
It raised the warmth of the room
Disturbed in my existence, I tried...
I conflicted to gain the victory over the witches
It aroused the spirit of my soul to repose
The convict today there on the ground, a man I know;
Coffin decorated with tears and flowers,
Faded away the pain of ending up in mud!
It's not a spring and visitors struggled,
Lost in the memories of my solitary days as loner,
I forgot the time passed within these years of my life,
Worried in the dilemma of this death;
Now I know that gate opens me a life one day,
That take me to the lifeless beings!
I longed for a return from the past
That dwelled to the darkness,
Alone the day, I hope I can stay calm and walk out to meet death.....


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