Walk to Reminiscent the Lost Memories

Darker the way that led
To the shallow road in the moonlit,
Shadow of the solitary tree
After a summer drizzling,float on the path;
It brings scary fears of dusky night
On this lonely shades of sunset;
The scarlet clouds with sable smearing,
Bat hovering over the sky,
And breeze flurrying bring freshness from  fragrances,
And also the haunting memories back;
I watch the arrival of tiny stars
And the beauty of eternal recreations of nature;
The silent listeners of darkness
Came following me to the way of transience,
Drops shined reflecting the glow of night!
It influenced the fire of passions upon me;
Every moment brought me a sense of love
The power of its feelings;
Everywhere on the air fils the spread of 
Hues of dreams that were broken,
All along my life into pieces in infinity;
Never waits for a mighty heart!
But now I relished the walk through the pathway
That had led to the world of memories!!



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